0:31 - Bottom Line Up Front - What is Wealth?
1:37 - 40% of people in America would be in trouble if a $400 financial emergency popped up.
2:24 - A look at savings balances by income
3:31 - How to bolster earning potential (Offensive Financial Planning)
4:15 - Examining Investments to increase offensive financial power
4:50 - Be Your Own Bank - Mini-Lesson
5:42 - How to leverage mutual companies (Bulletproof Accounts) to create an opportunity fund.
6:42 - Looking at one of Kason's bulletproof accounts and examining Internal Rate of Return
8:16 - What "Guidance" does the IRS have on bulletproof accounts?
10:17 - Defensive Financial Strategies (Savings, Cost Cuttings)
10:23 - The greatest enemy to wealth building... Thyself
11:36 - A hypothetical entertainment consumption habit and its effects on wealth
12:30 - The SECOND greatest enemy to wealth building... The Government

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