Financial Education for Freedom Entrepreneurs

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Escape the Rat Race

Arming you with financial education.

View the free "7 Steps to Escape the Rat Race" course

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Wealth Battle is Practical!
Build a budget easily! Within a single hour.
Open an opportunity fund and be your own bank!
Create cash flows and escape the rat race!

Traditional financial education is Impractical
Slow - years at college or the school of hard knocks
Expensive  - tens to hundreds of thousands in opportunity cost
Unrelatable - some outdated concepts are even dangerous

Support from DOers

Empowering you to win the Wealth Battle in YOUR life!


Learn about leverage to create income

View eLearning Courses


Build and maintain a budget easily

Opportunity Funds

Discover how to be your own bank

Community - People Helping People

Join 450+ people from all walks of life on Discord to discuss, learn, and share knowledge and experiences about budgeting, financial health, and escaping the "rat race" of life together.

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The right tools...

how do we escape the rat race?


Level Up Your Financial Game

Practical knowledge will allow you to make informed decisions and take control of your financial future

Financial Health for Freedom Based Entrepreneurs

Escaping the rat race, together

…with the right people

and why do we think we need to do it alone?

Financial Education to Empower You

eLearning courses, budgeting groups, productivity sessions, and more

Putting the Free in Freedom

Try FREE for 30 days

Join a community and take control of your financial destiny.

 Community Members Strong
Million in Opportunity Funding
Powerful Budgets Created

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The Framework for Freedom - I.B.O.A.R.S.E

learn Income, Budgeting, Opportunity funds, Ascending cash flows, Reducing labor, Speculation, and Escaping the Rat Race.

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